Sunday, May 15, 2016

Project 6 Reflection Journal

        For this project I had to create a video game. My video game is about a ghost chasing a girl and the girl has to escape the ghost by going to the exit door. There are 3 levels of the game and you have to pass all 3 levels to win the game. This project was overall a good and fun experience. I learned some new actionscript coding and the results of the coding was pretty cool. For example I learned about hit test object and also how to make a boundary so that the girl doesn't go off the screen. It was a bit hard because I tried to make it so that there was no way the person playing the game could cheat while also having a great time playing the game. I tried to put in the skills that I've learned into this project with new skills that I learned through research. First I made a storyboard. Then I made the all the graphic, button and movie clip symbols. Then I animated my movie clip symbols and I started coding/experimenting. Finally I made sure that everything works. When I finished I put my swf file into my html file and uploaded it onto the server. Enjoy the game!